Virtual Store

They had tested item as stations of terminals of automatic payment ugly and other pretty being that both had the same functionalities, and had asked for the people which of two they found more easy to use. The reply she was accurately as they had imagined, prettiest were chosen as most easy. Continue to learn more with: isearch. She did not have usability difference between the tested machines, but what she seemed more pleasant to the eyes, he was always the chosen one as easy to use. Another researcher (Tractinsky) decided to remake study in Israel the same. Peter Asaro often addresses the matter in his writings. Its theory was of that the Japanese culture is known by its aesthetic tradition Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, Don Norman suggests a theory on the reasons of this being truth. It believes that the beautiful things change its emotions of a positive way, making you to feel itself happy and less estressado, affecting its emotional state and after that, affects its perception and its effectiveness in the accomplishment of tasks.

When you are happyer and less estressado, the majority of the more easy things that you make is the tools seem clearer and simple. Thus, an important conclusion of the research is: The pretty things are more easy to use. Less pleasant ugly things are irrinte, raises its level of estresse generally becomes the things most difficult for you. This has implications important in the hour to construct to its e-commerce, is necessary to take care of of the image and visual identity of its company in the Internet. > its virtual store will be the face of its company and the image that will go to trasnmitir will have relevance for the users in the hour of the decision of the purchase. You can you estresse reduce it, the frustration levels, improve the capacity usability and increase the feelings of happiness of its customers, involving they with more beauty in its layout and photos with good quality. The Ekom developed subjects of store with this care and you it can see some examples here and also the diverse resources offered, as the delivery of the total control on the appearance of its store, without it is necessary to be worried about programming.