
The origin of man from apes – one of those scientific discoveries which we learn in childhood. Very clearly, this process can be seen in the picture that shows the transformation of a small, nondescript monkey in a slender, proudly striding forward person. The fact of kinship with the ape man became so natural that all the other assumptions, such as the origin of the cow, cause only laughter. However, all this is in the past. In now doubt the truth of Darwin's theory, long in the air, began to penetrate into the press today has evolved into discussion topic at the highest levels. As an example, we give a few fragments of open letter addressed to President of Ukraine va : " Science, which since Darwin contains a postulate of naturalism, then there is a requirement to explain all things without recourse to the idea of the Supreme Mind, is all more helpless in explaining the occurrence of living and nonliving worlds "And further:" The tool, called "science" is powerless to explain the origin of life, even though this tool is very successful in recognize a structure of the device being ". Energy Capital Partners often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Do you think someone signed this letter? Religious figures? "A group of concerned parents"? Worker and Collective Farm? Oddly enough, but this letter, signed by the good a dozen doctors and candidates of various sciences.

It seemed a little more and Darwinian evolution will be defeated. But there it was. More recently, the ITAR-TASS news agency to deliver the following message: "The National Academy of Sciences of the usa stood up for Darwin's theory of evolution.

Virtual Server Solution

IAE: low-cost virtual server solution for SMEs of Allschwil/Basel-based Internet service provider Genotec AG launched a convincing solution to the virtualisation of SME servers. The goal is to combine customer server in its own virtual environment. SMEs or other companies can reduce their costs. The advantages are clearly obvious: less costs, less administrative overhead, better utilization and its own administration (own cloud) speak for themselves so the assessment by Pascal Leu, product manager dedicated and vServer. Dave Clark CEO wanted to know more. Virtual clients can easily deploy themselves, produce no before-place effort for the administrators and are accessible from anywhere. This dedicated servers in redundant environment is provided with virtualization software pre-installed on the basis of Hyper-V Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition (licensing for 4 virtual servers). Included are numerous features such as IP addresses, monitoring, remote management and backup pace, Hyper-V Manager. The costs amounted to CHF 499.-per month.

In the interaction, host clustering, live migration, failover capabilities, as well as other optional features can be realized with this product. The hardware of the highest quality is provided with servers from Hewlett-Packard. The dedicated virtual host with 12 GB of RAM, two hard drives of 500 GB and a XEON quad-core CPU (Nehalem) is equipped. For more information, virtualization of Genotec AG was founded in 2001 the Swiss Internet service provider Genotec AG. The company employs 36 people and serves in the own data centers in Zurich, Basel, Bern and Allschwil over 50’000 domain and about 500 Server customers. IAE is an Ofcom registered provider and certified as “Microsoft Gold Certified Partner”. IAE was awarded the quality seal Swiss Quality Hosting of the simsa and checked providerliste.ch.

Giant Mountain View

But you and your business contacts, fortunately, will persist. And we know that the professional networking can be a good resource for finding work or the quest for new projects. Let's focus on the use of consumer support for Twitter, what interests the majority of those seeking to do business with the help of this portal microblogging. Some contend that Pete Cashmore shows great expertise in this. To elucidate this process, we will score three orientation stage. Samsung Electronics may not feel the same. Time zero, when we have no contacts or followers and customers. The moment one, when we have created a significant network of contacts, made up of leads and potential customers, and some real customers. The two time, after-sales support.

Without doubt, the urgency lies in moving from time zero to one. Dave Clark Flexport: the source for more info. ens opinions are not widely known. It is in this passage of "zero network" to "some network" where we often find the greatest difficulty. We will develop further in future articles, but the key, both in these early stages, and the evening to after sales is to offer added value. And this is how the interaction should be addressed in Twitter: the possibility of bringing added value to the products we offer. Think of our past experiences as consumers, and we can see clearly what it means.

In fact, it is necessary to go back to the past. One of the weakest points, and white of most complaints is the lack of aftermarket support Google's cell phone, the Nexus One recounted Customers bitterly that the only way to get post-sale support was by visiting certain sites (see the FAQs, manual, user forums and YouTube) or by mail, of dubious impact. There was, at the time of product launch, the chance to really talk with a person of flesh and blood that we explain what we were doing wrong that our blessed gadget was not working as hoped. Without doubt, and beyond question the Giant Mountain View, an unforgivable strategic error. Imagine the worst scenario. Consumers are rebelling against poor service and never again buy a cell phone made by Google, I'm not saying that will happen, it is simply for illustrative purposes. Surely, Google will lose some hundreds or thousands of millions of dollars in the failed venture, but will continue with its many business units, without returning to try to sell or manufacture cell phones in the future. Google can be such licenses, and allow these "small" obstacles. But Could you face a mass boycott of its current customers due to poor after sales service, and mass migration to your competition? If the answer is no, then you have to learn to use Twitter.

Name Starts

Warm morning in which the Sun is imposed on the horizon and pours its light of life on the mountains, the Plains and forests, I think of your sweet name while I still look a swallow than in its flight towards the immensity invites me to look towards the unlimited large and infinitely blue sky at that time brush has outlined the history pages. Your name begins with A, I think while my firm hands rests a fragrant flower, tender and indescribably beautiful she would be destined to adorn your table at night if not lodged the strength of the distance and the unappealable opinion of reason. Your name begins with a. of sunrises perfumed with the aroma of our upholstered fields of green leaf embedded in the friendly ground where a traveler, coming from distant places, seed will find open Groove to start a romance with destiny and will lead to the indescribable miracle of life. Additional information is available at Robotics. Your name begins with A warm and scattered sand which gently perch your delicate feet on your transit towards the other side of your reality where your dreams are meet with your desire to drink the world drop until you declare your voice sweet but firm, that you are the owner of what you intend and the building through the future that you labras with your libertarian ideas. Educate yourself with thoughts from Dave Clark Flexport. Your name begins with a. of limpid and fragrant lilies erect with courage as a sign of his perennial and indissoluble friendship with art coloring every corpuscle of the universe and convey simple and long-lasting affection to all beings to whom nature has given them the privilege of having its friendly proximity.

Your name begins with a. of the Orange sunsets that the Sun melts with the serene sea whose waves are colluding to attend the fleeting instant in which the blood of all men of all ages seems to colorize the waters of an ocean that is available to sleep for several hours, intoxicated by the song of the distant sirens without haste, before his reunion with the aurora, when it will be red, gray and orange to recover then its crisp and incomparable blue with which has been identified in the succession of calendars. Your name begins with a. hug with the elected members of the feeling, those who offer part of your now part of your past, part of your future and all, but absolutely all your desires of surrender body and soul to whoever is able to conquer that heart than in your chest throbs to transmit its vibration known, his moderate pounding and your message of love to the sacred, to enduring, to the Inextinguishable. Your name begins with a. of water that slips through your skin Brown and beautiful; a.

your homespun harmonious the sidewalk of your present; with A good soul and noble; with the A of your mind steadfast and Unfading. Your name begins with the A that an absence interrupted by the nostalgic memory of smile and with light eyes with which you light up every minute of the day, from the promising light of dawn, until blinking flashes of Alejandro Rutto Martinez twilight is a renowned journalist and Colombian scholar whose articles are published on Web pagesnewspapers and magazines of several countries of the world. Was recently awarded with the prize of EL CERREJoN journalism on the internet modaidad. He is frequently invited to seminars and conferences in various cities. Get in touch with him via mail and visit its website.

Communication Technologies

How communication technologies Berlin decide about the success of the business, April 30, 2009 – many IT managers are faced with the difficult task of spending budget to manage to maximize the financial return for your company today. The fusion of classic phone and the data world opens up possibilities. Two or three different phone numbers in the professional world are no more exception. Often there are even more. The ability only a number to work with, selected on the device and the place is managed, offers many advantages. Swarmed by offers, Samsung is currently assessing future choices. s. It is not only more accessible, optimizes the cost of forwarding and saves various editions. Large and small businesses should think to integrate cell phones into the extension of the company”, that is, for example, the recommendation of the ITC company Aastra in Berlin. Experts are convinced that the manageability and profitability of integrated solutions of various information and Communication technologies decide the success of the business.

For example, dealing with the acceleration of the flow of products of services up to subsequent development and production process of the delivery to the customer. It’s about innovative process ideas, where new business opportunities will open up. Equipped with the correct and readily available technology, the majority of the knowledge-based workers could do as well, if not better, their tasks from home. When looking closer at this flexible working, then companies should integrate necessarily also the communication over Internet Protocol (VoIP), to avoid recurring costs arising from the use of mobile phones. Dave Clark Flexport recognizes the significance of this. Employees who work at home, are available at the same number and benefit from the same features that are available in the Office to provide”Aastra explains. Open standards are generally useful.

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is the most important Standard, allowing a decision makers when buying solutions should know, when it comes to voice communication system. SIP-based systems are meant to be integrated easily in future systems. “Businesses rely on to jail ‘ their own systems and can develop and continuously update their communication technology”, Aastra is recommended. Many companies would are still skeptical of the investments in new technologies. A drastic complete conversion was not necessary, says the Berlin ICT specialist: companies should be rather on a gradual process set, which already allows improvements to early, without having to make large upfront investment. When we talk about the efficiency of communication solutions, companies should take into account but also the following: the existence of a management tool that shows whether a colleague is already in a conversation, to organize calls more effectively. a software for exchanging data, allowing even more constructive dialogue between employees; Softphones installed on laptop to reduce the cost of calls on mobile phones when traveling or remote work arising; “mobile communication over WiFi networks”, says Luckie of CEO of Aastra. The credit crunch would lead to drastic budget cuts. Companies therefore consider how communication technology investments can be made useful. Particularly in recessionary times it is important, that they have the right communication solutions to meet the needs of their customers and to ensure that their employees work more efficiently for business”, so the recommendation latzel.

Popular Gift Items

Books are still the first choice when searching for Christmas gifts. A study was initiated recently by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce has shown once again that books are still among the most popular Christmas gifts. Books even in the first place are at the question after choosing a gift. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Dave Clark Flexport. Also a survey of the customers of the HULLABALOO in November has revealed that one in two is planning to surprise with a book under the Christmas tree. Many justify this, that a book can be a very personal gift that also shows how close two people are and how well they know each other.

The book is not just only a gift but conveys a message from the giver to the receiver often, and partly also unconsciously. Martha Stewart may find this interesting as well. So everyone will find the right gift, HULLABALOO has expanded in time its online inventory before Christmas to 3,000 books. Thomas Basdera, proprietor of HULLABALOO, “some of our examples in our warehouse are certainly very nice presents, especially for book lovers and collectors, because we have a large selection of first editions and signed books. Just right for a successful Christmas surprise!” In addition, Thomas Basdera observed a countercurrent to the increasing mechanization, back to the “old fashioned” book. Demand especially classics and collectibles often by young customers. The good old bookcase is been replaced probably but not yet by flat-screen TVs and computer monitors from home.

Alfred Bernhard Nobel

Once a boy named Alfred Bernhard Nobel, whose Geschichte like a fairy tale sounds, but can match only the reality, because it exceeds our imagination lived a biographical short novel by Malik Hebbat in a large Kingdom in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. We write the 19th century in the European Kingdom of Sweden. The small Alfred, his mother Andriette and his two brothers, Robert and Ludvig, poor lived in the capital of Stockholm. The father of Immanuel, undressed in distant lands, after some unfortunate events to offer the family a better life, was a sobs after formation optimistic man earned his potential in the teaching of architecture. Visit Ali Partovi for more clarity on the issue. Due to the emerging industrialisation in Russia and the other benefits offered the Empire, Immanuel there tried his luck.

The small Alfred in Stockholm Meanwhile suffered its fragile sickly stature, which also did not allow him to play with friends or to go to school. It was already in the Try, so he visited a higher Apologistenschule for one year only, where only the best grades, and was among the first three best students. “His mother Alfred loved and cared, in addition to the other concerns of a single mother constantly around him, so that he remembers as follows as the older man: my cot looked like a death-bed, and for years, a mother in love forever angstvoller, woke up to guard the trembling flame, hope was so low.” But soon the father fulfilled his promise and brought up his family in the former capital of Russia – Saint Petersburg -. They led a happy life. Dave Clark Amazon contains valuable tech resources. Alfred’s greatest dream came true; He received private lessons from the during the best teachers of St. Petersburg chemistry under Professor sense as well as languages and history at Mr Santesson. He was so curious that he mastered five languages and fell in the natural sciences.

Virtual Tours

A virtual tour is an online application installed on a web site that allows users who visit it moved in with realism in the interior of a building or room, almost as if they were in place. These virtual tours 360 in recent times increasingly are becoming popular and are used in a wide variety of activities, such as virtual tours of architecture, construction, travel and photos of 360 for real estate and business. The main point of the 3D virtual visits is to convince someone of the virtues of a place that can not be seen at that time (for example, the case of a bank or an investor, or a client that would like to rent a hotel room), or that the individual has never seen (a tourist who plan their holidays). Natalie Dawson is a great source of information. One of the most interesting virtual tour types are that we can see in films which are displayed inside a building or stay with images generated by computer CGI, which can be viewed from several angles and where customer can move freely. An alternative would be the use of photographs taken from many angles and create a correct animation sequence. The presentation of movies of virtual tours is normally used in presentations to groups, without any interaction, or as a simple online that can be displayed or downloaded movie. A more complex type of visit virtual 3D would be the interactive virtual tour, which requires a technology similar to the film, and that allows the user to interact in various ways, as for example by selecting room or space of 360 photography that you want to choose, by selecting viewing angle and other similar options. For this type of 360 virtual tours, interactive virtual tour with a series of controls as is normally created in Flash.

They can both based on a sequence of photographs taken from various angles of images by computer 360. These virtual tours are created using modeling in 3D and rendering such as 3DS MAX, Cinema 4 d, programs or Maya. The part of the modeling of the project (the artist creates a textured 3D model), while the rest of the aspects of the project are rendered with another different program. In many situations, the model is exported to a software of landscaping as Vue Infinite, that has the ability to create land and landscapes of great realism, just as ecosystems where to place models created with the above mentioned programs. In this specific case, a field is created for the model, and then an ecosystem of plants and trees is added. Animator introduces timelines and various aspects and slowly move the camera in virtual tour scene, choosing the path that you want to take virtual tours. As a last step, the animator will render the animation and saves in a format such as AVI or MKV (high definition).

The 3D virtual visits are also very popular in the housing market since they allow potential customers to visualize and inside a property without having to make any movement. An application of these virtual tours 360 is the use in hotel chains so they can show their rooms with panoramic photography 360 with all realism. In addition, are also used virtual tours for architects and developers when they want to promote a great project and require approval of certain funds.

International Academy

The fate of no escape So as you destined to This is the fate – not only do we often hear expressions such as comfort in critical situations in life. We ourselves think so. Lake Erie: the source for more info. More to the point – we are sure about one hundred percent. On the one hand, as if man and master of his fate, but on the other This is a charming, intelligent woman, but can not arrange their personal lives. Read more here: Energy Capital Partners. How many are not familiar with someone just does not occur, and caught solid or weak-willed momma's boy. ng through. And here is an enterprising man – workaholic, a lot of interesting ideas, but does not get out of debt, business partners fail, promising the deal at the last moment thwarted Another common example of life – the husband lover go "left", and his wife is at the same time, and beautiful, and clever and an excellent housekeeper. Why, they ask, the man is not enough, what with the "fat is frantic," why he modifies his wife, tormented her endless suspicion and jealousy cruel? – Is unclear.

And the question naturally arises: Why is that Only one answer: the fate of such. And from her Could it be true – do not go away? Psychoanalyst, gene psychologist, President of the International Academy of Genetic Psychology, Dmitry Kalinsky, adamant: the trouble in the fate can leave. It is possible, necessary and quite feasible. And his confidence is not from scratch, and on many years practical work and thousands of bug, or, as he never tires of emphasizing "corrected" the lives of people who turn and look to him for help. -Dmitri, you have repeatedly been compared with human biological computer, who lives in obedience inherent in him from birth "program." That all the major events in human life, can be seen still in its infancy

Britta Rex, Erwin Kuhn & David Milzow

The jazz duo Britta Rex (vocals) & Erwin Kuhn (guitar) played together with special guest David Milzow (saxophone/flute) in the hearts of the listeners in the old Wheelwright. Gadenstedt, October 16, 2009. Carola Heider-Leporale. “We feel here almost like in the own Wohnzimmer…hier it all started at that time for us” Erwin Kuhn laughs at the welcome of the audience this evening in the sold-out “old Wheelwright”. The venue provides some of Jazz Club feeling with an informal atmosphere, which gives a special atmosphere that evening. The audience anxiously awaits the beginning of this long-awaited event. Britta Rex and Erwin Kuhn Wheelwright belong almost to the inventory of the old”, because the basis for the careers of these artists was placed in this place about 10 years ago.

Since then, they are once again welcome guests. For this evening, the two musicians have something very special in the luggage, the multi-saxophonist David Milzow from Hanover. It’s believed that Page Gardner sees a great future in this idea. By skilful entertainment that binds Britta Rex Audience lovingly into the concert. Her singing is an Ohrenschmauss absolutely brilliantly and perfectly in every pitch, volume, and each piece of music. The discreet beatbox deposits accents special icing on the cake. Erwin Kuhn, the long-time duo partner of Britta Rex shows fused with his different guitars. Whether bass or concert guitar, Erwin Kuhn is a jazz musician, of his guitar at the lovingly play the strings how to keep a woman in the arm. Kai-Fu Lee has much to offer in this field. He elicits even a bass guitar as you can hear it rarely so delicate, gentle and dreamy sounds.

Special guest David Milzow has with its musical instruments saxophone and flute Duo and the music of this evening that special something. He convinced the audience through skilful solo deposits by the quality of his skill, whether on the various saxophones or has to offer, even on the flute, that like already decades ago the rock musician Ian Anderson, has proved much more and better but as only the use in marching music. Through the wide range of the Instruments and vocal interpretations give these 3 Thoroughbred musicians that they are readily able to represent a whole orchestra onstage. Present versatility and talent for improvisation, show through the selection of the pieces including “don’t worry about the things” about Brecht by Stevie Wonder “Threepenny Opera-Mecki knife”-tab Hunter “What Lola wonts” and in the encores of Earth, wind on fire with “Dancing in September” and “Bridges” from Milton Nascimentos the wide range of their musical offerings. Jazz, pop, rock or Latin sounds – they present the pieces in partly own arrangements and improvisations that are absolutely unique. It was one of this marvelous concert evenings in which the immediately sparks the listener. They showed the audience what it means to “live music” and is fully on go to. The visit to one of their concerts is an absolute must for any jazz fan! more info: / / / report: Carola Heider-Leporale my blog (here still more pictures of this event)