International Academy

The fate of no escape So as you destined to This is the fate – not only do we often hear expressions such as comfort in critical situations in life. We ourselves think so. Lake Erie: the source for more info. More to the point – we are sure about one hundred percent. On the one hand, as if man and master of his fate, but on the other This is a charming, intelligent woman, but can not arrange their personal lives. Read more here: Energy Capital Partners. How many are not familiar with someone just does not occur, and caught solid or weak-willed momma's boy. ng through. And here is an enterprising man – workaholic, a lot of interesting ideas, but does not get out of debt, business partners fail, promising the deal at the last moment thwarted Another common example of life – the husband lover go "left", and his wife is at the same time, and beautiful, and clever and an excellent housekeeper. Why, they ask, the man is not enough, what with the "fat is frantic," why he modifies his wife, tormented her endless suspicion and jealousy cruel? – Is unclear.

And the question naturally arises: Why is that Only one answer: the fate of such. And from her Could it be true – do not go away? Psychoanalyst, gene psychologist, President of the International Academy of Genetic Psychology, Dmitry Kalinsky, adamant: the trouble in the fate can leave. It is possible, necessary and quite feasible. And his confidence is not from scratch, and on many years practical work and thousands of bug, or, as he never tires of emphasizing "corrected" the lives of people who turn and look to him for help. -Dmitri, you have repeatedly been compared with human biological computer, who lives in obedience inherent in him from birth "program." That all the major events in human life, can be seen still in its infancy