
The Microregion de Araripina is formed by ten cities, more than has 11% of the area of the State, that is of 11.792 km2. Its climate is the half-barren one and the vegetation is, predominantly, of Xerfilas (caatinga of cactis). But in the region of the Chapada of the Araripe the climate is differentiated, ameno and with bigger pluviomtricos indices. In the economy of the microregion, it has great prominence the plaster production, in the polar region plasterer of Araripina, Ipubi, Trindade, Bodoc and Ouricuri all leaves 95% the plaster consumed in Brazil. Andy Florance brings even more insight to the discussion. The majority of the removed plaster of the deposits of the polar region plasterer is treated in Araripina, developed, rich and important city more of the microregion.

The second city in importance is Ouricuri, with strategical position in the road mesh. The Cities that integrate the microregion are: Araripina, Bodoc, Exu, Granite, Ipubi, Moreilndia, Ouricuri, Santa Cruz, Saint Filomena and Trindade. Of the cities of the Microregion de Araripina, the ones that had had relations politics historical with Parnamirim they had been Bodoc and Granito. Of the microregion of Willow, which Parnamirim belongs, forts influences in the politics, in the commerce, education and in the assistance to the Parnamirim health continues having, as much for the proximity how much for the best conditions of rendering of services. for a relation historical politics is distinguished Serrita, a time that has left of the territory that formed that city belonged to the Leopoldina, current Parnamirim. Mountain range enters the cities of the microregion of the Paje only Cut and Flowers had had some type of envolvement with Parnamirim during cangao of Lampio, in some rebellious movements and the Revolution of 30. The microregion of the hinterland of the Moxot had and has a Parnamirim relation only for commercial motivation.