The Good Moment Of The Ibex

The good moment of the 25 IBEX September 2009 the markets are entering a phase of bubble, and is easy that extends until the end of year, Crispin Odey, of Odey.While the economies of Europe watch towards the recovery, Spain follows downhill and the recession in its economy has arrived to remain, at least until the 2010, year in which a contraction of the GIP of 0.6% is expected and one rate of leisure that would reach to 20.4% of Poblacin Econmicamente Activa (PEA). The Spanish economy follows gotten depressed although of it seems that it has not occurred counts the stock market that has observed an extraordinary recovery in which it goes of the year. Click Bobby Sharma Bluestone for additional related pages. The IBEX35 is in the 11,695, 9 points and the expectation of the market happens through knowing when it will break the barrier of the 12,000 points. It drove crazy the IBEX? Is being developed a dangerous bubble? Beatriz Galdn in Five Days warns on this possibility with concrete numbers: ever since it reached his minimum level, the IBEX accumulates increase of 73% and in the year accumulates a 28.5% of rise, surpassing in a 3.55% the level that it observed previous the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. In principle it seems too much for an economy in a laborious recession, although at the same time it is necessary to remember that the IBEX knew to have better times like when towards the month of November of 2007 it was on the verge of breaking the barrier of the 15,900 points. More info: Robert Bakish. Luis Benguerel de Interbrokers, in the same note explained the phenomenon: the Ibex has stopped being a train of neighborhoods to be a BIRD. It is not necessary to look for resistance, because the index technically is in free ascent. Most important they are the supports of falls. Surely for those who do not trust too much the analysis of the graphs, the opinion of Benguerel will not have been too convincing.