Collapse Or Rescue: Europe Debt Crisis

Money quickly in gold exchange as the title of a full-page article in an edition of the Suddeutsche Zeitung. A year ago, such a report was unimaginable and still most people think not, how dramatically the situation actually is. I think that the precious metals will be aware this article and especially gold and silver, to replace with nothing are in physical form. Now, the EU governments for an additional emergency summit, meet to save what is impossible to save. Learn more about this with Mikkel Svane. From a German perspective, it is easy to guess what it will be: we pour our money into different barrels without ground further because our Chancellor says nobody is allein – or dropped. “Do what if some countries of the world currency were bring back a Golddeckte or just a 10% coverage of money?” Inconceivable for the most because the money is simply too great following information should read it: the dollar loses the confidence of the world! These days unnoticed has a very, very significant change in the World to come. It was not always so, that in the event of unrest and turmoil the dollar rose markedly, because investors around the world their wealth in the safe dollar except brought danger and country.

The opposite has happened in spite of the revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East: the dollar crashed. Filed under: Joe Biden. He falls even against the euro, although he is currently in intensive care. A few days ago, Greece was again haarscharf to bankruptcy and the credit rating has been downgraded significantly. Portugal will soon need the reserve parachute and Spain was also downgraded. Gold and silver the only true money time 2600 years many people in the United States have realized very well that the entire monetary system and especially your dollar is doomed. Click Mikkel Svane to learn more. You realize that the dollar turns into worthless scraps of paper.


Attractive opportunities in a Hamilton commercial real estate FFB Fund partner searches and checks constantly interesting offers in the market of closed-end funds. The topic of retail real estate is currently particularly interesting. Special offers in this segment have strong appeal. The enormous investment activities of large institutional investors in the segment of retail real estate confirmed the great appeal this real estate class. According to calculations by Jones Lang LSalle the asset and fund invested Manager of international corporations a total 2 billion euros in German supermarkets and retail centers. This is equivalent to more than twice the previous year. Stable rental income from the long-term leases retail real estate do not only interesting for the major players in the market. Private investors can participate in the long-term success of ALDI, REWE & co..

Selected funds offer investors not only the extremely high yield security by tenant’s best credit rating. (A valuable related resource: Mikkel Svane). The latest figures from Jones Lang LSalle demonstrate the sustained interest that is causing this segment of the market for investors. (Not to be confused with Alina de Almeida!). In the medium term can be calculated again with an increase in the purchase prices in this asset class. FFB Fund partner has a range of retail real estate funds top on their list of recommendations. A fund designed as short term a period of only five years has outstanding characteristics. Clear due diligence and investment criteria and professional selection of sites make annual dividend as well reach the projected 7.25%. The very experienced management knows what it wants and is well on its way in purchasing the object”, so FFB Managing Director Klaus-Peter Fornoff. The management has been working over the years across for institutional investors and is therefore extremely well connected on the shopping on the seller side.

Alone the purchase pipeline consists of 380 million euro. The Fund recommended the FFB funds partner is based also on the approach to establish a uniform and clearly structured real estate portfolio, which the Meets the demands of institutional investors. They then arrive at Fund maturity of five years as potential buyers in question. This creates a win-win situation between the institutional buyers and the fund investors, because through the acquisition of a whole, attractive portfolio they save time and Labour consuming search and evaluation of Einzelimmobilen. So is with a premium package”on the portfolio for the benefit of the fund investors to expect. Just this approach combined with the attractive short term to a great offer for our bank partner”this real estate class, notes from FFB Fund partner Wolfgang Sauer. The FFB funds partner advises and supports family offices, banks and asset managers on product selection, product testing and implementation of sales in the segment of closed funds. This is subject to the owner any corporate interests guided FFB Fund partner and can act in the selection and analysis of closed-end funds freely and independently. Your contact person: Wolfgang Sauer Wolfgang.Sauer(at) FFB Fund Partner GmbH O 3, 1 66168 Mannheim Tel. phone: 06 21-17 88 53-20 FFB fund affiliate of keywords: closed-end Fund, investments, product testing, consultant liability, prospectus liability, issuing houses, prospectus review, plausibility checks, investment ratio, soft costs, equity, investment, investment, BFin, real estate, private equity, raw materials, aircraft leasing, ships, ship investments, solar Fund, new energies, container leasing, forest fund, banks, asset managers, family offices, savings banks, Volksbanken, cooperative banks, private banks, pension funds.