President Obama Global

The fear of global warming is the best that have ever invented researchers Copenhagen/Berlin, December 14, 2009 – the Copenhagen climate conference is in full swing. Environment Minister Norbert Rottgen puts it in a nutshell: we must not fail. It was all about in slowing global warming. Had to cope with two degrees above pre-industrial levels, but then is final. About 200 States come together, to prevent the worst. Our children to the disaster film the science fiction genre assign finally 2012 still by Roland Emmerich, not the documentary.

Just in time for 2012 the Kyoto Protocol runs out, brrrrr. But if we look closer, then many supposedly unique relationships around the global warming are somewhat more complicated. The debate begins: CO2 is an injurious gift even for the United States it is now officially the US Environmental Protection Agency EPA has classified the greenhouse gas as injurious poison. The greenhouse effect does now exist for all, not an invention by Scientists’ more. \”Cheers the environmental protection organisation WWF, yes we can\”, the stern writes a great decision.

Thus, President Obama has more leeway in Copenhagen: if necessary, he can regulate emissions of carbon dioxide without congressional approval. Yet he offered a reduction of CO2 emissions by 17 percent by 2020, according to a report of the world. Federal Environment Minister Rottgen surpasses: he wants to reduce emissions from all 40 percent by 2020. The ICT sector has done enough to even hearty to be encountered before the head. Because it produces now as much CO2 as the global aviation. This is so, but may not be. Because by 2050 the global industry must offer services in a nearly CO2-free, otherwise it is a little worse than expected with global warming. Connect with other leaders such as Rusty Holzer here. Companies such as Bizerba go ahead to lead by example. Let be the many travels and prefer to talk via video conference.

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New Entry System

The operation is simple: the retrofit system is switched between the metering and one or more fermenters. The complete provider WELTEC BIOPOWER has developed a robust liquid entry system that prevents downtime and thus ensure the technical stability of biogas plants. At the same time, profitability is enhanced by the possibility of a flexible Inputmixes as an alternative to expensive maize silages. The energy potential of silage or whole crop silage (GPS) is very high. Often the bacteria can not fully process however the carbohydrates and proteins because of the long, smooth surface of the substrate for biogas. With the MULTIMix, an innovation by WELTEC BIOPOWER, are fibrous and sticky input fabrics such as silage, solid manure or Kosubstrate and whose surface bacteria meet enlarged.

In addition, the MULTIMix separates foreign objects such as stones or metals before inserting and reduces the risk of damage to the pump and mixing technology, as well as putting in the fermenter and Piping. The operation is simple: the retrofit system is switched between the metering and one or more fermenters. From the dispenser, reach the substrate in the MULTIMix and be mixed with manure or Rezirkulat. Don’t get me wrong – e-mail is still a fundamental component cheapest cipla tadalafil of good business practice. There is no feeling of joy buy generic viagra or happiness in the sexual life. It holds the the cost of viagra component named Sildenafil citrate that makes sure that the erections are proper. The most obvious self-defeating behaviors you have helped to remove barriers to the first sign of panicking, have an overall pessimism, the use of rigid and stubborn behaviors and the order viagra australia right attitude! Self-defeating defense mechanisms to prevent the permanent blame others, rage and lose your temper, talking more than the next person, but alcohol and drugs to reduce anxiety. This arrival maceration is supported by an Auger system that simultaneously anraut the fibers. Before the long fibrous substrates and piece materials in the Mazerator reach and effectively be crushed, a previous procedure reliably separates the impurities before the entry into the pump. The decisive advantage: At the introduction into the fermenter the previously long-fibred substances have not only the optimal size, but are homogenized by the mixture with the liquid. As a result, the fermenter with already on gemaischter organic suspension is fed. Robert Tholen, head of the technical department at WELTEC BIOPOWER, explains: the bio-gas plant of a Czech customer was ramped up with the help of the MULTIMix after just four weeks on continuous full load operation.

It usually takes six to eight weeks until the load can be achieved with unvaccinated manure.” As a result, supports the biological decomposition of the MULTIMix and ensuring a faster and higher yield. At the same time, the risk is significantly reduced by swimming and sinking layers in the fermenter. This in turn reduces the bead work and the wear and tear of the complete installation. As a result of lower vulnerability, the usual pump lifetimes are significantly increases and increased system availability.