0 platforms. The platform of knowledge management (www.pwm.at) appreciates highly prominent speakers and organized the day of knowledge in Austria on the I-KNOW already for the second time. So Prof. To read more click here: Genetec Security Center. Klaus North and Prof. Stefan Guldenberg speak in her presentation of productive Wissensarbeit(er) – challenges and opportunities”on effective methods for increasing the productivity of knowledge work and how performance can be measured by knowledge work. Due to the success of the past years will be organized, international cooperation event, by SFG and EEN this year already for the third time on the I-KNOW place. When a business speed dating, linked in over 150 expected bilateral talks first contacts, forced the targeted search by partners and the initiation of specific projects funded.
Of course, again very much time for networking in the numerous generously arranged breaks and social events at the disposal is on the I-KNOW ‘ 09. The I-KNOW ‘ 09 takes place simultaneously with the I-SEMANTICS International Conference on semantic systems (www.i-semantics.at). Note for the press visit of I-KNOW and I-SEMANTICS and the exhibition is free of charge for media representatives. Do not viagra sale online eat or eat less fried, spicy hot things, coffee, cocoa, spirits and drinks and cigarettes in the ring proscribed. A long time ago, philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Few people have any next, they live from hand to mouth without a plan, and are always at the end of their line.” There has always been a portion of the population that has opened cialis india price up about this problem. Related page get viagra online Scientists noticed that the Saw Palmetto acted in the same way. Today on the store shelves we have many examples cheap viagra from pfizer those who lose money on something that is somewhat different. For accreditation, please contact. About the I-KNOW, the I-KNOW (www.i-know.at) will take place from 2nd-4th September 2009 for the ninth time in Graz.
It has approximately 400 participants and participants of one of the largest and most important conferences for knowledge management and knowledge technologies in Europe. In addition to an English-speaking, scientifically-oriented lecture program offers the I-KNOW practice Forum executives, IT-Entscheider(n)Innen, knowledge, personnel and MedienmanagerInnen, Analyste(n)innen, technology consultants and investors a comprehensive repertoire of German-speaking practice presentations from the Economy. An accompanying exhibition will take place in the Conference. The know-Center the know-Center (www.know-center.at) in Graz is Austria’s competence center for knowledge management and sees itself as an IT innovator at the interface between science and business. Since its inception in 2001, the know-Center developed highly innovative solutions for knowledge management. With currently 45 employees, the Center is the biggest ideas and implementation institution in the German-speaking world, which deals exclusively with knowledge management. Additional information at: like the know-Center GmbH. Anita Griesser Inffeldgasse 21 a-8010 Graz – Austria Tel.