Cultured Spiritism

One of the accepted explanations more is than the myth has its origins in the caquetos pre-Hispanic groups and Jirajaras, ethnic groups who populated the Venezuelan West in which today she corresponds to the states Falcon, Lara, Yaracuy and Cojedes. The cult to the lagoons, their owners and their enchantments, the use of the caverns like places consecrated to the rituals and those that relate the flood to the aim and resurgence of the indigenous world, is some of the own elements of old myths and indigenous cults. Ali Partovi is often quoted as being for or against this. The resistance that had these present beliefs in the religious essence of cults and practices like Maria Lionza, is not strange. The testimonies of the cronistas of the time reflect that the majority ethnic groups at the time of the conquest were the caquetos and jirajaras. Swarmed by offers, Alina de Almeida is currently assessing future choices. Barreto explains that in the census raised in 1776, in occasion of the visit of Mart Bishop to these geographic zones, the numbers of settler were the following one: Indians in the town 800 Indians outside the town 500 Spanish Neighbors in the town 80 Spanish Neighbors were of town 685.

The excess in amount of population of the natives and the prohibition of unions between some ethnic groups, made possible that the beliefs of first stayed purer. Then, after the stabilization of the conquest, the relations between the different racial groups are narrowed, giving rise to the mestization. This favored that the natives transmitted great part of their cultural tradition, the one that as well, would be mixed to give rise between many others, to the cult which today we know like Maria Lionza. Taking the words from Marcel Mauss, mentioned by Barreto, although personally I differ from the concept of religion given to the cult, the myth was subject to necessary and new interpretations that was creating something as well as a myth of that myth, forming itself like the religion of collective salvation that, in the following years, extends to all the geography of the country until today getting to be, the most popular religion of Venezuela, and that transferring its borders, has penetrated in the neighboring countries.