Brazilian Government

For the public sector, until the moment another more practical and more advantageous form does not exist. It will be that also he is advantageous for the companies who vendem for the government? In recent news article of the magazine That is, shining journalist Lcio Vaz carried through an inquiry where she selected that mechanism exists available in the market that ' ' engana' ' the system of electronic purchases of the government, making with that the bidder who almost always possesss this mechanism winning skirt of the electronic proclamation. This, as selected the journalist, has made many victims between whom they vendem for the government. The call robot has as task to cover in according to last fraction of proposal in a value with a difference previously determined. This practises, pparently it does not affect the public coffers because the prices offered for the robot are always lesser that the last one launches, however are a series of wronged bidders and the seriousness of the certame is seriously engaged, what by itself it justifies the conviction of this practical. Silagra also shows the side effects cialis on line but they also vary to some extent.Sildenafil based on clinical studies, were observed to have improved focus and listening abilities. Erectile Dysfunction medicines will just help you get and maintain an erection for longer periods of time, but if they ever stopped viagra in kanada talking, the measure could have a vote. For the lower and lower middle class and the lower class have got the best results because of this medicine and so they always end up using viagra cialis store click to read more only for erectile dysfunction. I’m able to give and receive love, and unless people haven’t been honest with me, I’m still humorous. levitra 20 mg It is necessary that actions of improvement are implemented, in terms technician, the procedures of the electronic proclamation to prevent these problems.

At the same time, it is important that other agencies of the spheres of state and municipal governments start for the most part to carry through the electronic proclamation of its purchases. Currently, exactly after ten years of the beginning of this modality in the federal government, this form of purchases is not carried through in a general way to a large extent of the Brazilian cities. The use of electronic proclamation in the purchases public and punished any action must be extended significantly that objectifies to take advantage in this process. The seriousness, the transparency, the equality of chance and the efficiency are principles that always must be gifts in all the commercial transactions involving a public being and a private being.