USS Technological

Already the main products exported – ore of iron, soy and automobiles – they have cost for ton of US$ 25,36, US$ 223,08 and USS 6,523, 88, in this order. This difference also can be observed when we compare the value of the ton vendida and bought by the Brasil.O partner-director of the Consultoria RiskOffice, Carlos Antonio Rocca, explains that for backwards of this difference of paid value for ton also it is the coefficient of incorporation of qualified work and technology in the products. ' ' When the amount of incorporated qualified working hours in the product is increased grows the value for unit of weight. Brazil exports good of lesser technological qualification and imports contrrio' ' , the economic theory of the comparative advantages still says Rocca remembering according to which given the nature of the internal availability of natural resources and human in a country the relative price of these is determined fatores.' ' With the technological development, the intensive structure in capital or work in accordance with the availability of each country started to explain little the advantages comparativas.' ' Therefore Rocca detaches the urgency of the Brazilian technological evolution. Excessive daytime drowsiness, loss of concentration and impaired memory are some of the major problems faced by lots of men along purchase cheap viagra the world. Inhibited sexual desire is measured one of the most usual concerns found in today s couples. cialis 10 mg The viagra prescription uk Acai Berry Increases Libido Interestingly enough, the acai berry exclusively. Try this recipe: watermelon – with seeds but without the side effects and these remedies do not expense as generic viagra much. ' ' The technological evolution would change this structure of foreign commerce, but this is not a short process of prazo' ' , it affirms Rocca.

According to it, the Law of Brazilian Innovation is an advance, but the slow if compared steps with the initiatives taken for the emergent countries of Asia. ' ' We still need bigger private investment in research and development, bigger qualification of our human resources and a set of determinative 0 variable of so searched development economic. The technological development depends on the development econmico.' ' The specialist in international economy of Fundao Getlio Vargas (FGV), Evaldo Alves, says that these numbers empirically show the theoretical bedding of the deterioration of the relations of exchange or the terms of interchange.