National Optical Astronomy Observatory

Now we have reached a reasonable understanding of how supermassive black holes (SMBHs-Supermassive Black Holes), detected in the nuclei of normal galaxies, can absorb the stars, gas and dust that are at a distance of about one third of a light-year from them (the magnetic field doing a great job of throwing the angular momentum of the normal baryonic matter). Also, the disturbances resulting from collisions with other galaxies, and gravitational interactions of matter within the galaxy can easily "hold up" the gas at distances from about 10 to 100 parsecs (30 – 300 light years) from the smbh. However, how the supermassive black hole (SMBH) captures the baryonic matter located at a distance of between one-tenth of parsecs and about 10 parsecs from the black hole? Why not just a matter of form more or less stable orbit at such distances? In addition, local magnetic fields are too weak to to make any changes (unless considered a very long time scales), and collisions and close encounters between galaxies very rare (it certainly works on long time scales the order of billions of years, as evidenced by the nature of the distribution of stars in globular clusters). Here's the start to operate the new model, Philip Hopkins (Philip Hopkins) and Elliot Kvoterta (Eliot Quataert), scientists from the University of California, , Berkeley. Their computer models show that these "intermediate" distances of gas and stars form a separate, tilted discs, peripheral with respect to the black hole. Two disc also inclined relative to each other, allowing the stars to resist gas, which slows down its rotational motion and begins to approach the black hole. New work relates to the purely theoretical writings, however, Hopkins (Hopkins) and Kvotert (Quataert) note that some galaxies seem to have tilted disks in middle-aged stars, and the discs are tilted with respect to smbh. Prudent steps are there with each medication and viagra 20mg cipla non-specific is not an extraordinary case here. There are several errors which can occur; moreover it is quite levitra canada prescription hard to tackle these concerns. The name online pharmacy levitra of the medicine will only change. Restoration of the friendly intestinal bacteria Healing customized diet for chronic diarrhea Drinking healing mineral water that is made from natural ingredients, therefore, it is considered by experts as a potent DHT inhibitor in the scalp if applied topically and in the body if taken orally. canadian cialis online And the most studied of the disks are in the object M31.

Now Hopkins (Hopkins) and Kvatert (Quataert) suggest that These ancient, distant from the center of the galaxy disks are "relics of the ancestors" stellar disks, obtained by their models. "In my youth, these discs helped" to drive "gas into the black hole" – the scientists said. New research 'is interesting because it can explain such "atypical" stellar disks with the usual mechanism, which is of great importance, such as for recharging fuel supermassive black holes', – says Tod Lauer (Tod Lauer) of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Tucson (USA). 'Especially attractive is the part of the job' – he adds – which describes the "energy and" fueling "a very large black holes in combined with a small scale. " Peripherals stellar disks are difficult to observe because they are located relatively close to the brilliant fireworks generated by supermassive black holes. But finding such disks could become a new strategy of "hunting" for the supermassive black holes in galaxies are not yet aware that they contain holes – says Hopkins.