Television And Children

These days, TV, computer firmly established in the life of babies, many families arrange it at the screen, which is increasingly replacing old wives' tales, my mother's lullabies, talk with his father … The screen becomes the main "Educator" of the child. Click Zendesk to learn more. This pastime is quite happy with not only children but also parents. In fact, the child does not stick, asks nothing, no risk and at the same time get experience, learn something new, attached to the modern civilization. However, it seems to be a safe occupation may entail very grave consequences not only for children's health (impaired vision, lack of movement, posture spoiled), but for his mental development. At the present time, when the first generation growing up "display of children", these effects become more apparent.

One of them – the delay in speech development. In recent years, parents and Teachers often complain about delays in speech development: the children begin to talk later, and a little bad talk, their speech is poor and primitive. Special assistance is needed speech therapy almost every group of kindergarten. Such a situation occurs all over the world for the last 20 years the number of speech disorders has increased more than sixfold! You can say, "Well, where TV"? The child, sitting at the screen constantly hears about. What is the difference who speaks with a child – or adult cartoon hero? The difference is big.

Language acquisition at an early age is only a live, direct communication when a baby does not only listen to the words of others, but also meets the other man when he is included in the dialogue. Moreover, included not only pitch and articulation, but all their actions, thoughts and feelings. Response the child's utterances occur only in living speech, addressed to him. This, coming from the screen, is set maloosmyslennym Hearsay does not become "their".

Eiffel Tower

To marry a foreigner Maroussia wanted a long time. She was particularly attracted by France. In her imagination was drawn exclusively French life with pink paint. On their background, foreign suitors, drives a white Peugeot, resembled whipped cream, were inaccessible and beautiful. Succumbing to temptation, Maroussia left my profile on the site international dating, and soon began to receive the first letter. Modest external data Marousi more than offset its youth and skill photographer. So were a lot of letters.

But originally dating as something did not add – hurt poor knowledge of English and the lack of worthy suitors. To know more about this subject visit Steve Wozniak. That is worthy of some were, but they were living in Belgium, in Germany, in Paraguay, but not in the coveted France. So, how to marry their speech and could not be. Yet Maroussia supported sluggish correspondence with foreigners – that somehow to justify their presence in the resource network and marriage agency in the secret hope that the groom from France yet to be announced. And then – bingo! In Marusin mailbox dropped a letter from some of Pierre, who was so fascinated by her unearthly beauty that he immediately realized that this was his only chance to be happy.

Inspired by Maroussia, as in the pool with his head, ran into this very promising online friendship. The medicine needs some time to get dissolved into the blood and start showing the actions bringing erectile functions back on the track. viagra usa mastercard Symptoms are a very poor cheap generic levitra way to measure health. Although these drugs have other medical uses, it is very important before undergoing any infertility canadian viagra no prescription treatment. This might be due to insufficient calorie intake levitra viagra apart from the obvious cancer-mediated hypermetabolism and hypercatabolism. Never mind that Pierre was twice her age (but clever and reliable!) and had already been married three times before (he came across only a bitch!). It does not matter that he had four overage children, two of whom live with him (what a father!) And that it works for migrant workers. Bridegroom of France was forgiven everything, even the reluctance to meet before she would marry him. When prompted to get married in France, hastily assembled Maroussia all necessary documents, sold all his nemudreny property and made a dash for the impatient bridegroom met a girl … France Eiffel Tower, a small apartment and absurd nature of the spouse. Neither of which the snow-white Peugeot out of question. Multiple divorces are not only presented Pierre two blockheads, but was left with minimal resources. Actually, he married and took Marusya because marry compatriot chances he was not … And here Maroussia remembered all the advice and warnings that heard from matchmakers working on the international dating sites. After talking to her, that must marry a man, not the country. That, before marrying a foreigner, it is necessary to meet with him. And, of course, entering into marriage with a foreigner, in any case not to burn bridges. So you can always go back and try again find happiness.