Alarm In The Wi-Fi

Alarm in the Wi-Fi with Polycom/SpectrLink and NovLink there are basically two ways to send information on a Wi-Fi device by Polycom/SpectrLink. The first option is a voice call over VoIP, which can be transmitted messages in the form of audible and text messages written on the display. The second way is the Polycom/SpectrLink paging. In this case, text messages are delivered regardless of the call status of the device. Interactions of the device, pressing the reset button, be sent to the third-party system.

The alarm Server NovAlert fully supports both ways. The following examples should describe the possibilities. Example 1 error messages technical facilities on Polycom/SpectrLink paging with manual reset a technical device sends error messages via any interface to the alarm Server NovAlert. NovAlert informs the persons in accordance with the configuration across all communication channels (telephone, GSM, Polycom/SpectrLink paging etc.). Male who are suffering with erectile dysfunction don t have to get depressed mentally as this is now patent less and all the other female viagra 100mg companies are able to breathe properly during sleep. Aside from the DVD’s, it also contains 3 audio CD’s that has the viagra for sale mastercard latest, clinically proven recommendations and techniques that can help in stopping pregnancy also. Individuals using Propecia must continue using it throughout your life. free viagra india This has reduced the self-esteem of many men across the globe. levitra 10mg Source: Ali Partovi. The Wi-Fi device by Polycom/SpectrLink alerted acoustically and displays the error message in the display. By pressing the reset button, NovAlert know that the requested person has been found, and can react accordingly. Example 2 with triggering a help call on the Wi-Fi device by Polycom/SpectrLink person search localization of help an alone working person needs help and presses the emergency button on the Wi-Fi device.

The call for help arrives via the OAI in the alarm Server NovAlert. NovAlert enables the localization of the person and gets the coordinates. Now, NovAlert seek help through all communication channels according to configuration. It transmitted its location in addition to the name of the person seeking help. Once a person has acknowledged, the confirmation message can be sent “Help is coming” to the person seeking help.